I’m back from Rackspace’s “Cloud Computing” pitch event in Sydney. We weren’t chosen for the line-up which was devastating. I decided to go along anyway to learn why.
When Rackspace heard what we were doing they setup a special meeting for me to meet their CTO, Alan Perkins. Alan is recognised as one of the 20 most influential people in IT in Australia. The meeting went exceptionally well. He was particularly interested in how we had solved the Boot Storm problem and on our angles for monetization based on applications from the Appstore. In fact it went so well that he has written a report recommending Rackspace investigate GoPC further. I also learned it was a PR company who had organised the line-up and was told that they had made a mistake – Alan said we absolutely should have been included in the line up. I was so happy to hear him say this!!
We didn’t pitch at the event so couldn’t win first prize, but we earned it – I’m going to Silicon Valley again in October to be interviewed by Robert Scoble for his video blog. Robert is Rackspace’s technology evangelist with 4,000,000 followers, mostly early adopters. Peter de Prins ( be.linkedin.com/in/peterdeprins ) advised me to find a Maven, a trusted person with an extensive network to talk about GoPC, and I believe that we have exactly that with Robert Scoble.
I’m announcing the release of the new GoPC.net Rainmaker technology tomorrow. Anyone reading this is welcome to create a Free account while the launch is on. I’m asking for help to identify niche target markets.
Here’s a photograph of Robert Scoble and myself at the Rackspace pitch event, Small Teams Big Impact.